Sponsorship Fact Sheet
The Los Angeles Chapter of the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP-LA) invites you to become a Corporate Sponsor.
The AITP, established in 1951 and formerly known as DPMA, is a national organization dedicated to furthering the interests of Information Technology professionals by providing education, knowledge exchange, professional development, public policy advocacy and discounts on products and services. Membership includes IT managers and executives, project managers, system architects and engineers, educators, and providers of products and services to the IT community.
The Los Angeles Chapter holds dinner meetings in the LA Area, and focuses on keeping members current on technology trends and associated best practices. It also co-produces regional events that provide broader and deeper coverage of relevant topics, with the goal of helping its member organizations become better prepared and more competitive.
Sponsorship is designed to provide valuable exposure for vendors of products and services of interest to IT executives and professionals.
Package 1: Meeting Sponsor
- A display table during the pre-meeting networking session.
- Inclusion in AITP-LA monthly email announcements.
- No-charge dinner for two representatives.
- A link on the AITP-LA website for one month.
- An opportunity to give a 5 minute presentation during the opening remarks.
$600 per event
Package 2: Annual Sponsor
- An AITP-LA membership for a designated executive.
- A link on the AITP-LA Website, with logo, for one year.
- Regular mention in AITP email communications.
- Regular acknowledgement during opening remarks at each dinner event.
- Company can have up to 5 employees or specific designated guests attend every meeting for the term of their sponsorship at member rates.
- One Meeting Sponsorship.
- A display table during the pre-meeting networking session.
- An opportunity to give a 5 minute presentation during the opening remarks.
- No charge dinner for two representatives.
- An opportunity to purchase additional meeting sponsorships at $300 each (subject to availability).
$1000 per Year
For further information, please contact:
Neelu Tauh at [email protected] or Roger Lux at [email protected] 562-964-1888